Recent Stories

Shani’s Story

13 years ago my marriage was headed for divorce. From the outside everything looked fantastic. My husband Rick and I had four beautiful daughters, a very successful business and we had just moved into our dream home, an impressive rural retreat on the South Coast. But I was miserable. Rick and I only really communicated when we had to and most of the time those conversations en....

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Anna’s Story

At 22 I was feeling restless and a little lost. I was studying biochemistry at university and in a long-term relationship with a man I thought I loved but deep down I felt trapped. I decided to break up with my boyfriend and over the university summer break to take some time to explore what life was like without the responsibilities and restrictions of a relationship. I mad....

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For 24 Years I Used Heroin And Methadone Everyday - Liz's Story

The Prodigal Daughter – Liz’s Story

I am the middle child of a large immigrant family and from the age of eight my life was forever impacted by my father’s battle with cancer. He suffered terribly, eventually dying 11 years later from this wretched disease. My teenage years were defined by poverty, neglect, abandonment and rejection. In my late teens I stepped into the darkness of drug addiction. For the next 2....

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I Needed To Find Out Who God Really Was - Larissa's Story

I Needed To Find Out Who God Really Was – Larissa’s Story

Both my parents had very strict Catholic backgrounds so as a child I knew of Jesus. I was a reluctant attendee of a Presbyterian boarding school during high school but as a teenager I wanted nothing to do with God or religion. I thought religion at best, was a fantasy and at its worst was a tool of control and manipulation. I wasn’t interested. Despite my disdain for Christia....

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Go The Bold, Just Ask - Nicola's Story

Go The Bold, Just Ask – Nicola’s Story

I started high diving when I was just eight years old. I fell in love with this amazing sport. A dream was birthed in my heart to represent Australia at the Olympics. I trained seven days a week and twice a day on weekends. I was sold out to the dream. In 1977 I had the amazing privilege of representing Australia at the World Diving Championships in Houston, Texas. I was 11 yea....

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