Recent Stories

Adriel’s Story—Grace like Scarlett – Finding God in the Wake of Grief after Miscarriage

Adriel’s Story—Grace like Scarlett – Finding God in the Wake of Grief after Miscarriage

For days I felt empty. But afraid to articulate my feelings, I dismissed them instead—searching for comfort in the possibility that the sudden change I felt was really just the mark between trimesters. They say that once you’ve seen your baby’s heartbeat, your chances of losing her diminish to between 3-5%. We had seen her through an ultrasound only weeks before—healthy....

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Bethany’s Story – Finding Life after Loss

Bethany’s Story – Finding Life after Loss

It was 5:15 a.m. 27 December 2012 when a horrendous scream jolted me awake. At first I thought I was having a nightmare, I could hear words being formed but I refused to believe that they were true. ‘He’s dead, He’s dead!’ It was my mother’s voice and within a split second I was fully awake. My father was dead. I jumped out of bed and ran to my parent’s room. My mot....

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Unexpected Peace – Kim’s Story

Unexpected Peace – Kim’s Story

Some people have their whole life mapped out in front of them with goals and vision statements and five-year plans, but I am not one of those people. I grew up in a home that was defined by change, turmoil and instability. From as early as I can remember, my only real dream was to have what looked like a ‘normal’ life and keep the peace. My parent’s relationship was alway....

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The Green House on the Corner - Kaitlyn's Story

The Green House on the Corner – Kaitlyn’s Story

I’m a homebody; also known as an introvert. I love having a place where I feel safe, comfortable and accepted. Growing up my family home provided that sanctuary. My parents were the perfect combination of loving, good fun and a little crazy. They raised my brother and I with Christian values and were gracious with us when we didn’t quite act accordingly. My family was far f....

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