Recent Stories

The Invisible Tree – Kirrily’s Story

The Invisible Tree – Kirrily’s Story

It was 2009 and I was exhausted. I had just given birth to my 3rd son Elijah, and not a week went by when I didn’t suffer a bout of mastitis, and not a breast feed went by that wasn’t marked by incredible pain. My victory was getting through each day and my prayer was a constant cry. It was around this time that God, in His mysterious, marvellous and upside down ways, start....

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Hope Toys for Children with disabilities

Hope Toys – Maria’s Story

In 2014 my son, Christian (3) was diagnosed with Autism, four months ago his younger brother Ethan (2) received the same diagnosis. For my husband and I, it was like entering a new dimension of this life here on earth; a journey of a new understanding and experience as parents of children with special needs. Of course our children are exactly the same to us as they were....

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I have loved making things with my hands Wildflower Folk

The Hands Behind Wildflower Folk – Ruthie’s Story

Ruthie Lawson is the creative heart and hands behind the stunning floral designs of Wildflower Folk. She and her husband James and daughters Indie (3) and Velvet (1) live in a gorgeous mountain cabin overlooking the south coast of NSW Australia. I am the daughter of a carpenter and for as long as I can remember I have loved making things with my hands. Growing up in a small cou....

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Reedsmith wall

The Unforced Rhythms Behind Reedsmith Co – Tanika’s Story

I come from a really supportive and creative family. My parents have always encouraged my sisters and I to explore, experiment and create and now that I am married, my husband Ashton has become my biggest cheerleader. I have tried a variety of different mediums and creative pursuits over the last few years and spent a LOT of money on craft and art supplies. When I became a mum ....

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Colours of Hope

Clothing Women With Colours Of Hope – Froyle’s Story

Art and creative expression has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. But for the last 20 years, in between raising my four children, I have been painting and exhibiting as a visual artist. My art is intentional. I definitely have an agenda. I want to make people feel good. It’s not complicated, I want to release peace, joy, love, into people’s lives through....

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