Recent Stories

Losing Control, Finding Grace – Lydia’s Story

My earliest memories are of a childhood filled with bike riding, board games and hot summer afternoons spent at the beach. For the first nine years of my life our family lived in Cyprus, an island nation in the Mediterranean Sea. My Dad worked in publicity for a mission organisation and my Mum was also active in the organisation and our church, while managing our home life and ....

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Awareness About Depression

Amanda’s Story – What I Know Now

My world stopped turning on October 10, 2006. I was 20 years old. I was interning at a primary school about to head home for fall break when I had a voicemail from my dad to call him. The news was tragic.  My mother had taken her own life.  The reality of never getting to see her again, or hug her, or kiss her, or tell her how much I loved her began to sink …....

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