Marriage, Salvation
I am Found – Jane’s Story

I am Found – Jane’s Story

Both my parents attended the local Presbyterian Church. They were faithful attendees but not Christians. As I grew up I had very little interest in God. My adolescent years were scarred by sexual abuse and painfully low self-esteem. I was desperate for someone to make me feel safe and protected. When I met the man who was to become my husband I believed that he would do that for me, and to a large extent he did. He is a wonderful man. But even after we had been married for a while and had two beautiful children I still lived with a longing and a restless frustration that no relationship was able to satisfy.

One day my six-year-old brought home a picture from school that she had received in Scripture class. It had the words Jesus.Others.You written on it. That word hit straight to my heart. I knew that I needed to go to church and so I did. My parents had gone to a Presbyterian church and so I did to. There was still a part of me that was searching however and I started exploring New Age practices and mysticism. One weekend I attended a new age meditation meeting at Stanwell Tops. We were all in meditation when I heard a clear audible voice say ‘Remember who was here 2000 years ago’ instantly I believed. God knew that I was searching for Him and he met me right where I was, in a clear and unmistakeable way.

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When I became a Christian it caused a lot of tension in my marriage. My husband never left me but he would give me ultimatums about church activities and involvement. So many times I wanted to run away from the fighting and stress that was in our home. But I also knew that Gods word said:

A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

I began praying and declaring Gods promise over my marriage and my family. In time my feelings began to line up with Gods truth. One day when I was praying, God gave me a very clear picture of my husband, myself and our children all standing together before him. We are not there yet but my marriage is a very happy one, I love my husband and our home is a wonderful place to be. I know that God keeps his promises.

Photo : @zamire_raine

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