Personal Growth

Renata’s Story

I was born in South Africa and at 19 moved to Australia and got married. I have two amazing sons as a result of my marriage but at the age of 32 I found myself as a single parent. This was never part of the plan that I had for my life. I devoted the next 10 years to raising my two sons, and at times, working multiple jobs to provide for my boys.

I have been a Christian for most of my life but at the age of 42 I heard God clearly speak to me in a way I hadn’t heard him speak before. It happened during a church service. I had gone up for prayer and was asking God for encouragement as I was feeling very down about my life. I heard him speak the word ‘encourage’ as if he was standing right behind me. ‘Yes’ I replied, ‘I need encouragement.’ ‘No’ God answered, ‘ I want YOU to encourage others.’ That was a turning point in my life and the beginning of a close, personal relationship with Jesus.

Three years later God asked me to return to South Africa for a few months. At the time I wasn’t sure what I was meant to do while in South Africa, but I took a step of faith and went. What a life-changing experience! Two and a half years later I have moved back to South Africa to continue the work I began three years ago. I am working as a volunteer in the community. I do recreational activities at three different aged care facilities and am working on a number of community-focussed projects with a church organisation that runs a hospice, a skills development centre as well as the church. I am also part of a local group that provides entertainment to various organisations including aged care, orphanages and a hospice. This same group also runs feeding programs and assists with fund raising projects.

Responding to the calling of God has been a major step of faith. I am not funded or sponsored and rely on God’s provision through the kindness and generosity of those who share my passion for helping others. Stepping way outside my comfort zone, leaving my sons, friends and job; travelling across the ocean to a country that has one of the highest crime rates in the world has certainly been a scary experience. Living in Johannesburg can be stressful. Something as simple as walking to the corner store or going for a walk for exercise is dangerous because of the high risk of being robbed or attacked. I am learning to adapt to the high walls, barbed wire and electric fences. It’s a very different environment to Australia but every day I am inspired by the people around me who continue to serve others despite their own personal challenges.

I can honestly say that if God had called me 10 years ago to do this, I would not have gone. But I can see today that He knew exactly what He was doing in my heart. He had the details all figured out long before I even realised what was happening. I am amazed at His faithfulness.

 Photos: @renataloves2smile

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