Recent Stories

Deb’s Story – The Sea Remains The Sea

I will never forget our first morning in Australia. The previous day my family and I had boarded a plane in rainy, grey England to fly to the other side of the world. We landed in Australia at night but the following morning we woke up to the most blinding sunshine. It was incredible. Parrots of vibrant colours flitted by our apartment, filling the air with their raucous screec....

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I am not forsaken – Bec’s Story

In September 2012, I was 35 years old and a busy mum to five kids. After an intense season of hands on parenting I was looking forward to having four of our five children at school the following year. I would finally have time for some long overdue coffee catch ups and a bit more thinking space. A new season of greater freedom lay ahead, or so I thought.  It wa....

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She Is A Fighter – Bronwyn’s Story

With more than 20 years experience as a nurse, most recently as the Research Coordinator – Intensive Care at Wollongong Hospital, Bronwyn Johnson is very familiar with the world of medicine, disease and disability. But what happens when the practitioner becomes the patient? I meet Bronwyn in the living room of her suburban home. She greets me with a warm hug but there is wear....

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She Is Brave – Sophia’s Story

When I was three my brother got really sick and the doctors thought that he might need something from my blood to help him get better. I had to have a big needle. I cried a lot but my dad bought me a toy and told me that I was very brave. I still have that toy. Sophia, 6....

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Breast cancer survivor

She Is Beautiful – Nerralea’s Story

Like most women, Nerralea Van Der Merwe is not a fan of having her photograph taken. But, after a breast cancer diagnosis at only 32, she made the courageous decision to not only have a double mastectomy but to allow a friend to photograph her scarred, post mastectomy chest. “Body image is something that most women deal with from early on, regardless of what happens in their ....

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